The Sanai is single-reed wind instrument made of buffalo horn with metal reed or a thin bamboo reed attached to one side of the horn. While blowing this instrument, the musician keeps the reed in his mouth and closes one side of the horn with his hand in order to produce high or low pitches as desired. It is a musical instrument of the Lower Northeastern Region of Thailand.
Pi Jum
The Pi Jum is a northern Thai single reed wind instrument. It is made of bamboo rod inserted with metal reed made of brass or silver. The musician typically blows or draws through this metal reed, which creates beautiful unique sounds.
The word “Jum” means “group”, so that people usually played Pi Jum in a set of at least three. Pi Jum can be classified into five categories, Pi Mae : The biggest, Pi Glang : a medium-size, Pi Goi, Pi Lek : small-size Pi and Pi Tad or Pi Goi Noi :the smallest.

- Diatonic
- Thai Tuning

Pi Nae
Pi Nae is a Northern Thai double-reed wind instrument. It is similar to Pi Mon. It consists of three main separable parts: The tube, hard wood turned into round cylindrical shape, The reeds, made of small pieces of palmyra palm leaves and the open-ended part, made of brass or an alloy beaten into a tube with the flared opening to spread out the sound.
There are two sizes of Nae : The Nae Luang is a large-size Pi, It produces loud resonant musical sounds, usually blown in a simple melodic style and The Nae Noi is a small-sized Pi, producing small sharp musical sounds, usually played with fanciful styles with the Nae Luang.

- Diatonic
- Thai Tuning
Pi Poo Tai
Pi Poo Tai or Pi Luk Khaen is a wind instrument of the Poo Tai people in Isan region. It is a mixture of the Klui and the Khaen. The pipe of the Pi is made of the bamboo which is the same species that used to make Khaen, Produces sound and pitches that similar to Pi Jum.
Pi Poo Tai is usually played to accompany other instruments such as Phin, Khaen and Saw. It is also harmoniously played in an ensemble to accompany Poo Tai dance.

- Pentatonic

Pi Nai
The Pi Nai is a Thai traditional wind instrument that produces musical sounds from the vibration of quadruple reed. Pi Nai has 6 finger holes, it can produce more than 20 different notes. It is played in various styles, therefore there are many patterns of melodic variation, fingering techniques, tongue techniques, and breathing techniques. It can almost imitate human singing voice.

- Diatonic
- Thai Tuning
Pi Chawa

- Diatonic
- Thai Tuning

Pi Nora
Pi Nora is a reed wind instrument uses to accompany “Manora”, the traditional Thai dance originated from southern regions of Thailand. Pi Nora has 7 finger holes but it can produce 21 different notes and can closely imitate the human voice.

- Diatonic
- Thai Tuning
Pi Mon
Pi Mon is wind instrument associated with Mon people, it’s body is made of wood and the mouthpiece is made of metal. It has similar shape as Pi Chawa but longer and larger. Pi Mon can produce soft, low pitches which is its identity. It plays an important role in Pi Pat Mon ensemble that mostly played during funeral rites.

- Diatonic
- Thai Tuning

Khaen is Laos mouth organ. Their pipes are usually made of bamboo, connected with a small, hollowed-out hardwood air reservoir. It is associated with Laos people and Isan people in Northeast Thailand.
Khaen has five different pentatonic modes with specific drone pitches. It can be played as a solo instrument, in ensemble or as an accompaniment for solo singer. It is often played in combination with a traditional fretted plucked lute called Phin.

- Diatonic